HubSpot User Group

How to use video marketing as an Inbound marketing tool: London HUG 201709

Learn about how to use video in your inbound marketing campaigns.

It's the most engaging way of communicating apart from face to face. It's, you know, scalable, shareable, measurable content. It's good stuff and we should all be very excited about it. So in terms of the funnel, I'll probably actually start above where HubSpot are here on this funnel in terms of brand awareness. That's the first thing. Just slightly above. Well, I think visits fell a bit too warm for me. So let's start with strangers. Let's start with brand awareness and to key questions really, how can you make the best use of the attention span and can you buy yourself a bit more time?

Event: London HubSpot User Group

Event Date: September 2017

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